

导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。办公室软件免费下载(办公室软件最新版本)这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!(一) WPS OfficeW...


(一) WPS Office

WPS Office (formerly known as Kingsoft Office) is a cross-platform office productivity suite, which has been widely used since 1988. It is a free Office suite that includes Word Processor, Presentation and Spreadsheet tools. WPS Office provides a wide array of tools and features specifically designed to improve productivity, including document creation and editing, real-time collaboration, formatting and styling tools, customizable templates, handwriting and automatic correction tools, built-in PDF creation, and more.

(二)Open Office

Open Office is another open-source office suite. It consists of several applications including a word processor, a presentation maker, a spreadsheet creator and more. Open Office is free and easy to use. It's compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Open Office eliminates the need to purchase a commercial software suite, as the applications have all of the same features found in desktop versions of Microsoft Office.

(三)Google Docs/Drive

Google Docs/Drive is Google's online storage service. It is free and lets users store, access and share documents and other files through their web browser or using a mobile device. With Google Docs/Drive, users can create, update and store documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Google Docs/Drive also allows users to collaborate with others in real time and make changes or document to the documents.

(四) LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a free and open-source office suite, consisting of applications for text editing, formatting, presentation, spreadsheet and more. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux systems. LibreOffice offers features and features found in other commercial office suites, such as a powerful word processor and a presentation maker. It also includes a spreadsheet creator and other tools. LibreOffice is a great alternative to Microsoft Office and has similar tools.

(五) Microsoft Office Online





3、Adobe Acrobat Pro 软件:它是一款文件编辑软件,可以将文档转化成PDF格式,还可以进行PDF的组合和编辑。用户可以免费试用一个月,之后可以选择购买永久使用权。





4、苹果App Store:苹果也有强大的办公软件,可以帮助用户更容易、更快速完成任务,而且购买付费软件后可以终身免费使用,支持苹果手机、平板电脑、Mac等多种设备使用。



2、Google Docs:Google Docs是一款网络文档共享应用,可以在网页上分享文件,并且可以实现实时协作编辑和共享,用户无需安装软件,即可在线浏览,并可以免费使用。

3、ThinkFree Office: 这是一款可以在Windows、Android和iOS设备上运行的网络办公软件,可以在线创建、编辑文档和演示文稿,WP模版可以免费使用,并且支持多种文件兼容,可以免费使用。

