1、“英国”用英文有三种写法:(1)England ; (2)Britain ; (3)UK。
2、【短语】(1)英国英语 British English ; Briticism ; English UK.(2)英国石油 BP ; British Petroleum ; BP United Kingdom ; BP-UK.(3)英国国旗 flag of the united kingdom ; the Union Jack ; union flag.(4)英国王室 British royal family ; Royal family ; the british monarchy.(5)英国央行 BOE ; Bank of England ; bank of engacreage ; Charles Bean.【例句】(1)He received part of his education in England.翻译:他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。
3、(2)The teacher told us his experiences in England. 翻译:老师给我们讲了他在英国的经历。
4、(3)In England, the sovereign reigns but does not rule. 翻译:在英国,君主是国家元首,但不治理国事。
5、(4)Cruelty to animals is severely punished in England.翻译:在英国,虐待动物要受严厉惩罚。
6、(5)A tunnel has been bored under the channel to link England and France.翻译:为连接英国和法国,一条英吉利海峡隧道已被开凿。