

生活   编辑:


摘抄自《英美句中最常说的句子》字幕之一、60. It's not want what I wanted. 这不是我想要的。61. Let's make a deal. 我们做个交易吧。62. You piss me off. 你气死我了。63. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

64. Let's bag it. 先把它搁一边。65. No way! 没门!66. You have a lot of never. 脸皮真厚。67. Watch your mouth. 说话当心点。68. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!69. What were you thinking? 你到底在想什么?70. It's on me. 我请客。71. That is unfair. 这是不公平的。72. You want a bet? 你敢打赌吗?73. I'm fed up. 我受够了。

74. Bottoms up! 干杯!75. We have no way out. 我们没办法。76. That's insane! 这是疯狂的!77. Are you kidding me? 你在开玩笑吗?78. I won't let you down. 我不会让你失望的。79. It's good to see you. 很高兴见到你。80. You bet. 一点没错。81. No pain, no gain. 没有付出就没有收获。

82. It's just too expensive. 这个真是太贵了。83. Don't talk to me like that! 别那样跟我说话。84. Is that so? 是这样吗? 85. Where did you go? 你去哪里了?86. It's too complicsted. 太复杂了。

87. Try again/ 再试一次。88. Help me out. 帮帮我。89. I can't afford it. 我承担/买不起。90. I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。91. My hands are tied. 我无能为力。

92. It's never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。93. It's up to you. 由你决定。94. Take a hike! 哪里凉快到哪里歇着去。95. It's a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。96. That rings a bell. 我想起来了 97.Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒。98. You are the boss.你说了算。99. Shut up! 闭嘴!

摘抄自《在家里常说的英语80句》字幕:1. Honey, I think it's time to get dressed. 亲爱的,我想该穿衣服了。2. We have to go in an hour! 我们一小时后就得走。3. Do you lock the door? 你锁门了吗?4. What's for dinner? 晚饭吃什么?5. I got everything ready. 我都准备好了。6. I'm tired. 我累了。7. I'm really angry. 我真的很生气。8. I have to poop. 我想去便便。9. Goon morning! 早上好!10. Are you going to apologize? 你会道歉吗?11. We need to discuss this. 我们需要讨论一下12. I'll water this flower. 我想给这花浇水。13. Go wash your hands.去洗手。14. Don't forget to flush.别忘了冲水。15. Have fun with your friends. 和你的朋友玩得开心16. Who's cooking tonight? 今晚谁做饭?17. Turn off the TV now.现在把电视关掉。18. Did you walk the dog yet? 你遛狗了吗? 19. Everything's fine.一切都很好20. Put the dishes in the sink.

把盘子放到水槽里。21. When are you coming back? 你什么时候回来?22. Can you do the laundry please? 你能把衣服洗了吗?

23. I don't want to talk about it. 我不想谈这个。24. It's time to brush your

Just finish watching the latest Oscar Best Motion Pictures winner CODA , deeply touched by the story about this high school girl from a deaf family who determined to apply for Berklee college of music under the help and encouragement of her teacher. Surprise but happy result for Apple TV+ who bought it for 25mn and spent 10+mn to promote such a small audience movie. Highly recommend to those of you staying at home for the lock-down and quietly enjoy it.

看到很多评论谈到川普的离去并不会带走保守的民粹主义。是的,不禁又联想到1998年美国影片American History X。主人公Derek率众冲击韩国超市前的一番演讲在二十年后听起来还是会让人感到历史在重演。Derek所描绘的场景以及他心中的愤恨至今仍留存在许多“失意”的美国人心中:

"我们需要睁开眼睛。今晚有超过两百万的非法移民在这个国家安营扎寨。这个国家去年花了30亿美金为那些本来就没有权利来这里的人提供服务! 花四亿美元只是为了拘留一群非法移民罪犯,而他们之所以能进入这个国家,就是因为该死的移民局认为不值得花力气去筛查那些能被定罪的重罪犯......我们的边境政策就是个笑话。所以,你们有人会对边境线以南的人们嘲笑我们而感到惊讶吗?他们在嘲笑我们的法律?每天晚上,这些寄生虫就像一些该死的纸扎玩偶皮纳塔爆炸一样越过边境......这没有什么好笑的!这关系到你我的生活。这就是对正直的、勤劳的美国人落井下石,因为政府更关心的是一群不是这个国家公民的人的宪法权利。自由女神像上面的标语这样说, "给我你的疲惫,你的饥饿,你的贫穷。" 嗯,是美国人累了、饿了、穷了! 我要说的是,除非你们解决这个问题,否则就TM给我闭嘴!因为我们正在失去,我们正在失去追求自己命运的权利!我们正在失去我们的自由,而一群该死的外国人可以来到这里,剥削我们的国家!"


“We need to open our eyes. There's over two million illegal immigrants bedding down in this state tonight. This state spent 3 billion dollars last year on services for people who had no right to be here in the first place! Four hundred million dollars just to lock up a bunch of illegal immigrant criminals who only got into this country because the fucking INS decided it's not worth the effort to screen for convicted felons...Our border policy is a joke. So is anybody surprised that south of the border they're laughing at us? Laughing at our laws? Every night these parasites stream across the border like some fucking pinata exploded...There's nothing funny going on here. This is about your life and mine. It's about decent, hardworking Americans falling through the cracks and getting the shaft, because the government cares more about the constitutional rights of a bunch of people who aren't citizens of this country. On the Statue of Liberty, it says, "Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor." Well, it's Americans who are tired and hungry and poor! And I say until you take care of that, close the fucking book! Coz we're losing. We're losing our right to pursue our destiny. We're losing our freedom, so that a bunch of fucking foreigners can come in here and exploit our country!”

Often, I dream of an old woman lying on the floor in my living room. I have been nagged by this nightmare for one and a half months.

One day I left home in a hurry, forgetting to lock my door. At night as I returned and was about to open it, I discovered in surprise that the door was ajar.

I opened it softly and looked inside. All of sudden I saw an old woman lying on the floor in the darkness. I choked my urge to cry. Was she a ghost or a female corpse?

"110? Please come. I found a corpse in my home." I ran out and said in a trembling voice. Then I sat down on the ground feebly.

"Please calm down and tell me your home address. We'll be there soon." a woman said calmly.

In about five minutes, a police car arrived and off from it a few armed policemen. One of them took a camera in his hand, beginning to record.

They saw me sitting there weakly and came up. One of them asked me, "you called 110?"

"Yes," I answered, standing up from the ground, and took them to my home.

We entered my home. I turned on the light. I found that the old woman was my neighbor who was a bit insane.

"Why were you sleeping her?" a policeman asked her seriously.

"I fell asleep." answered my neighbor. Her answer made the police believe her a mentally disabled person.

I told the police that she was my neighbor and just become abnormal sometimes.

"Please check your home and see if something is damaged or lost." asked a policeman.

"No. She doesn't destroy things and doesn't steal, either." I said.

"You must have forgotten to lock your door. Never forget it again." A policeman said to me.

I nodded.

We accompanied my neighbor home and she insisted that she wanted to chat with me. But then I was not interested to chat with anyone.

From then on, I often have this nightmare. It may take some days for me to get fully recovered from the shock.


本周,2022 欧洲女排冠军联赛的所有半决赛队伍将在一轮客场四分之一决赛后产生。


一周前,作为欧冠新锐的热舒夫,在家乡父老面前的助威声中,以逸待劳迎战远道而来的瓦基弗, 最终3:2 战胜对手,拿到宝贵的 2 分,让人刮目相看。因此,球迷热切期待次回合在伊斯坦布尔上演一场惊心动魄的战斗。

这绝对是一场竞争激烈的战斗,最终瓦基弗 3:1 战胜了热舒夫,捍卫了世俱杯冠军的尊严。


伊莎贝尔·哈克以令人印象深刻的 28 分高居得分榜首,收获本场 MVP 称号,但这一次她决定将她的奖项赠予队友加比 - 后者是瓦银拿到半决赛门票的功臣。


VakifBank Istanbul grab a spot in the #CLVolleyW Semi-Finals

This week all the semifinalists of the CEV Champions League Volley 2022 will be determined after a round of the away quarterfinal games. The first teams to lock horns in the decisive battle of this stage of Europe's prime club competition were VakifBank ISTANBUL and Developres RZESZÓW. A week earlier, Developres who is a rookie in the competition earned a 3-2 win, so Volleyball fans expected a thrilling battle at Vakifbank Spor Sarayi ISTANBUL. And it definitely was a fierce fight that ended with a 3-1 victory for the reigning club world champions. Although, the first two sets were a clear VakifBank's domination, the #CLVolleyW newcomers came back in the third set and the fourth part delivered a finest Volleyball show. Isabelle Haak topped the scorers chart with an impressive 28 points and got another MVP title, but this time she decided to give away her award to Gabi, who was the one to stamp their ticket to the semifinals. On the way to the SuperFinal, VakifBank will face their domestic rival Fenerbahce Istanbul.


never thought my hands would one day consume more alcohol than my liver....ever!

lock down seems like a Netflix series, just when you think it's over, they release the next season

we want to publicly apologize to the year 2019 for all the bad things we said about it

2019: avoid negative people

2020: avoid positive people

2021: avoid people because you don't know if they're positive or negative

to all the ladies who were praying for their husbands to spend more time with them-- how are you doing?

What do you want to do if you find some bad thing happen in your life. Someone who can control their feeling .it can control their life. Do you agree with it?

I feel angry but I control my feeling .i say to myself . Calm down and talk with him.don't spit in the public place.

my neighborhood who always spitting in front of door. every morning at 9c'lock .what a rude habits guy . I feel Disgusting,

So i catch him in the morning and say don't spit in public place please.

That guy reply "I don't know. i have never spitted ! I say who knows it .i find someone spit in front of door every morning . This section is the public place.If do it again.i will let the landlord know. I angry actually.i want to hit him. But i think it isn't a good way to solve it. I will talk with him first.

Please don't make me angry. Just spit in your room.i don't care. If you spit in the public place. sorry. Don't mess me .

Every day i need clear the room. That is too bad face the neighborhood who is too bad.

21.7.24. 挂钥匙的娃 latchkey kid

He ‘s a sixth formcollege student. Latchkey teen. Absent mam.

latch·key n. a keyfor the front or the outer door of a house, etc. (房屋等前门或大门的)碰锁钥匙

ADJ If you referto a child as a latchkey kid, you disapprove of the fact that they have to letthemselves into their home when returning from school because their parents areout at work. 挂钥匙的; 形容儿童因父母都是上班族放学回家后不得不自行开门

latchkey child : aschool-aged child of working parents who must spend part of the dayunsupervised (as at home)

Latchkey kid

The latchkey generation–alsoknown as Generation X–was raised by working parents who left them alone afterschool.

a child who has akey to his or her home and is often alone at home after school has finished forthe day because his or her parents are out at work

Latch / lætʃ /

1.N-COUNT A latch isa fastening on a door or gate. It consists of a metal bar which you lift inorder to open the door. 门闩

You left the latchoff the gate and the dog escaped.


2.N-COUNT A latch isa lock on a door which locks automatically when you shut the door, so that youneed a key in order to open it from the outside. 弹簧锁

...a key clicked in the latch of the frontdoor.


摘抄自《适用多个场景》字幕之一: …… It's about time to get my hair cut 是时候该去剪头了 It's about time for us to have another party 我们又该开个派队了

4. What do you know ...? 你对……了解多少?What do you know about me? 你对我了解多少?What do you know about love? 你对爱了解多少? What do you know about pandas? 你对熊猫了解多少?What do you know about our company? 你对我们公司了解多少? What do your know about climate change? 你对气候变化了解多少?What do you know about Kate's boyfriend? 关于凯特的男朋友,你知道些什么?

5. What am I supposed to...? 我该怎么……?What am I supposed to say? 我该怎么说?What am I supposed to do now? 我现在该怎么办? What am I supposed to tell him? 我该怎么跟他说? What am I supposed to call you? 我该怎么称呼你? What am I supposed to do if he comes? 如果他来了,我该怎么办?What am I supposed to do with this money? 我该怎么处理这笔钱?

6. Make sure... 确保……

Mark sure you'll come. 你一定要来。 Nake sure you tell him. 一定要告诉他。Make sure to take notes. 一定要记笔记。 Make sure no one enters. 确保没人进来。Make sure you're on time. 确保你准时到达。Make sure to lock the door. 一定要把门锁上。Make sure to turn off the TV. 一定要把电视关掉。

7. Sooner or later, ... 迟早……

Sooner or later, it'll pass 它迟早会过去的。Sooner or later, we'll do it. 我们迟早会做的。Sooner or later, I'll find it. 我迟早会找到的。

Sooner or later, it'll happen.

这迟早会发生的。Sooner or later, he will notice. 他迟早会注意到的。He'll confess, sooner or later.

他迟早会招供的。He will regret it sooner or later. 他迟早会后悔的。You'll understand it sooner or later. 你迟早会明白的。

8. Do you know...? 你知道吗……?

Do you know this song? 你知道这首歌吗?Do you know who did it?你知道是谁干的吗?Do you know how I feel? 你知道我的感受吗?Do you know what he did? 你知道他做了什么吗?Do you know what I mean? 我的意思你懂吗?Do you know where it is? 你知道它在哪里吗?Do you know what I like? 你知道我喜欢什么吗?

9. How many times...? ……多少次?How many times did Mike win? 迈克赢了多少次?How many times did she call? 她打了多少次电话?How many times have I told you? 我跟你说过多少次了?How many times did you kiss her? 你吻了她几次?How many times did you black out? 你昏迷过几次?How many times have you been here? 你来过几次?How many times have you seen this? 你看过多少次了?

10. It's amazing.... 令人惊奇/太棒了。It's amazing I'm still alive. 我还活着真是太神奇了。It's amazing

