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Eileen Gu injures knee in ski crash, withdraws from X Games

谷爱凌膝盖受伤,退出X Games比赛

Freestyle skier Eileen Gu said she suffered a bad MCL strain, ACL strain and a bone bruise in a heavy training crash on Friday and withdrew from the Winter X Games in Aspen, Colorado. “Had a heavy crash today in training and was told by doctors that they were worried about my ACL,” Gu posted on social media. “Had the most agonizing couple hours waiting to get an MRI until I finally got my results back about 30 mins ago. Turns out my knee is intact!!” Gu, who won two golds and one silver as the biggest host nation star at last year’s Olympics, was due to compete in ski halfpipe on Saturday and ski slopestyle on Sunday at the annual X Games.

自由式滑雪运动员谷爱凌称,在周五的一次严重的训练事故后,自己遭遇了内侧副韧带损伤、前交叉韧带损伤和骨头挫伤,她将退出在科罗拉多阿斯彭举办的X Games比赛。“我今天遭受了一次非常严重的事故,医生说他们很担心我受到了前交叉韧带损伤,”谷爱凌在社交媒体上发推称,“我在等待进行核磁共振的时候,经历了最为焦虑的几个小时,直到我30分钟前拿到了核磁共振结果。原来我的膝盖完好无损!”谷爱凌在去年的奥运会上斩获两金一银,成为主办国最为闪耀的明星,而她原计划周六在一年一度的X Games中参加自由式滑雪U型场地技巧赛,并在周日参加坡面障碍技巧赛。

来自NBC Sports


strain n. 劳损,拉伤

bruise n. 挫伤,碰伤,青肿

intact adj. 完好无损的

