

体育   编辑:


#段艺璇# ❤️#爱豆能量月#

Midsummer is very hot,

but it can‘t stop my heart from loving you.

On a very hot day, it is hard to know what to do to feel good. If you run around, you may feel sick in your stomach. However, if you just sit quietly and do nothing, you may feel bored. Are there things you can do to feel good and have fun when you're hot?

     Perhaps playing in water is a good choice to make you cool down. Taking a cool bath or shower, or even washing toys in a pan of cool water can also make you feel good on a hot day.

Besides, you can read stories or paint in front of a fan. You don't need to move your body very much. These are just some of the cool things to do on a hot day.


在一个非常炎热的日子里,很难知道做什么才能让自己感觉良好。 如果你到处跑,你可能会感到胃不舒服。 然而,如果你只是静静地坐着,什么都不做,你可能会感到无聊。 当你很热的时候,你能做些什么来让自己感觉良好和开心吗?  

也许玩水是一个让你凉快下来的好选择。 在大热天洗个冷水澡或淋浴,甚至在一锅凉水里洗玩具也能让你感觉良好。

 此外,你可以在风扇前读故事或画画。 你不需要经常移动你的身体。 这些只是在大热天可以做的一些很酷的事情。

著名外媒AnandTech发布了高通骁龙888与三星Exynos 2100的长评测。。结论是very hot!very hot!very hot![捂脸][捂脸]所以结论是什么?你懂的…安卓之胱还是那个安卓之胱。


所以,今年最强安卓5nm Soc是??麒麟9000E:没错,正是在下!![大笑][大笑]#科技趣谈#


Keep exercising. After exercising, you start to sweat and expend your energy. After you tidy up, you start to rest and give yourself a good sleep quality.


Read for an hour every day. Abdomen has Shishu gas from China, often read with a good temperament. Settle down, immerse yourself in a book, and enjoy the pleasure of reading.


Soak your feet before bed. It doesn't need to be very hot, and it doesn't need to be too long. Soaking for a while can really relieve fatigue.



I like eating ice-cream.In the summer the weather is very hot, I enjoying eating ice-cream.

Ice cream is frozen dessert, usually made from dairy products,such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors Most varieties contain sugar,although some are made with other sweeteners.

Today,ice cream is very popular in many countries. In most places,chocolate,strawberry, and vanilla are bestsellers.In Japan,though,ice cream comes in an amazing range of flavors.Chicken wing,eel or wasabi ice cream anyone? Wow, I want to try!

#教育听我说#地道英语学习 2021/12/24#儿童英语启蒙#


1、很聪明 Brilliant(Very smart)

The brilliant professor brings out the best in his students.



2、很精彩 Fascinating(Very interesting)

Have you seen this new movie ?it's fascinating.



3、很重要 Crucial(Very important)

The content quality is crucial for the success of the project.



4、很兴奋 Pumped(Very excited)

I'm pumped for the new table tennis season to start.



5、很冷 Freezing (Very cold)

The winter wind is so strong I'm freezing.



6、很热 Melting(Very hot)

Living in south Asian countries is so miserable that I am melting.



7、很大 Gigantic(Very big)

The spaceship is gigantic.



8、很小 Tiny (Very small)

He is from a tiny fishing village in Shenzhen.



9、很小心 Cautious (Very careful)

The country has taken a very cautious measures agains people entering and leaving the country during the epidemic.



10、很臭 Stinky (Very smelly)

The seafood market is stinky in summer.



331.Recycle and reuse enthusiasts 再循环再利用积极分子

332.Reuse the packages of the goods for other purposes 把物品包装用于其他用途

333.Reduce the pollution from man-made products 减少人造产品的污染

334.No matter whether in very hot summer or in freezing cold winter 不管酷暑还是严寒

335.Join with efforts to live sustainably and eventually make the world a more worthy place to live 竭力团结来进行可持续生活方式并最终是我们的地球变得更值得生活

336.IT’s quite prevalent for citizens to (give a hand to those who are in need of help). (当前)市民们出手帮助那些需要救助的群体是很普遍的现象。

337.Apart from this trend, what encourages people is that..... 除了这个趋势,让人们更加深受鼓励的是...

338.People in growing numbers find it delighted to help the needy. 越来越多的人们发现去帮助需要的人是一种快乐的事情

339.From my perspective, the reasons can be listed as follows. 从我个人角度看,原因如下。

340.The first motivation behind this trend lies in...促成这种趋势背后的第一个动力是......



Chu Teh's Shoulder Pole

When the Chinese Worker's and Peasants' Red Army led by Chareman Mao and Comrade Chu Teh were carrying on the struggle in the Chingkang Mountains, they had a very hard time getting food grain because of the Kuomintang's blockade. One day the Red Army seized a big enemy grain storehouse at the foot of a mountain. Comrade Chu Teh, Commarnder of the Fourth Army, at once mobilized the army and the people to transport the grain up to their camp at the top of the mountain.

It was 40 li from the foot to the top of the mountain and a climb of 2,900 stone steps, so it was not easy to walk carrying a grain basket at either end of a shoulder pole. At noon the sun was like fire. Commander Chu, wearing straw sandals and carrying two big baskets of unhusked rice, walked at the head of the grain transport team.

When they were halfway up the mountainside, Commander Chu, suddenly saw an old man carrying a full load of rice. On every step he staggered a bit. Commander Chu rushed to him and said with a smile, "Elder Uncle, it's very hot. Put down your load and take a rest." Then he sat down on a stone with the old man.

"You are carrying too much. Give me some to carry. If you injure your back, our hearts will be uneasy."

The old man quickly waved him away and said, "No, your load is not light either."

"Don't worry," Commander Chu explained, "I'm used to carrying things." So saying he poured some rice from the old man's basked into his own, said "Goodbye"to the old man, picked up the load and left.

Just then the old man suddenly saw three characters "Chu Teh's Mark" written on this Red Army man's shoulder pole. Hurriedly he asked the soldier behind him, "Is he Commander Chu?"




英 [kæpˈseɪɪsɪn] 美 [kæpˈseɪsɪn]

n. [生化] 辣椒素;辣椒苦

a colourless crystalline bitter alkaloid found in capsicums and used as a flavouring in vinegar and pickles. Formula: C18H27O3N 辣椒素

In very hot chilies, the capsaicin content is so amazing that if you cut the pepper, you will immediately feel burning pain on your skin.



Chairman Mao and the Wounded Soldier

One day during the Anti-Japanese War, a group of wounded soldiers were sent to an army hospital near Yenan. Among them was a soldier who was badly wounded in the stomach.Although the doctors and nurses did everything thay could for him, the wounded soldier was still in great danger. He soon lost consciousness.

Suddenly the soldier opened his eyes and cried out: "Chairman Mao! Chairman Mao! Oh, how l wish to see you once!"

Several nurses came over to calm him. One of them said to him softly,"Chairman Mao is very busy, you know. He has no time to come here."

"I know, I know," said the soldier."How can he leave his work? But oh, I do want to see him just once..."

Then the wounded sodier lost consciousness again. It was decided to report the matter to Chairman Mao by telephone.

Chairman Mao answered the phone himself. He asked about the soldier's condition. Then he put on his cap, called for his horse and started off at once. It was a very hot day and the journey was a long one. At last he reached the hospital. (not end)








摘抄自《英语口语会话及发音纠音练习200句 EASY & SLOW ENGLISH for Super Beginning》字幕之三:154. How much is this? 155. It's too expensive.

156. Can you give me a better price? 157. I'll take this. 158. Where is the cashier? 159. I'd like to return this. 160. This is broken.

161. Can you exchange it? 162. I can't get online. 163. There is no running hot water. 164. The toilet is clogged. 165. The power went out.166. Please clean my room.167. I'd like to send a parcel.

168. I'd like to exchange money.169. Where can I find an ATM?170. Is there a pay phone around here? 171. Do you speak English? 172. My wallet was stolen.173. I lost my passport. 174. I feel sick. 175. I have a fever. 176. I have a headache. 177. It really hurts here.178. I want to call the embassy. 179. Help! 180. Let me go! 181. How old are you? 182.I'm 32 years old. 183. Are you hungry? 184. I am thirsty.

185. Would you like something to drink? 186. What is your favorite food? 187. My favorite food is hamburger. 188. That's right.

189. Very good. 190. Not so good. 191. My name is Mary Smith.192. I'm from London.

193. Have you ever been to Canada before? 194. This is my first visit to Tokyo. 195. Is there anyone who can speak English?196. Good morning.197. Good evening. 198. Hello.199. Good night. 200. See you again.


1. 天气很好/The weather is very good. 2. 天气很坏/The weather is very bad. 3. 今天天气如何?/How is the weather today. 4. 今天将是透明的天空/Today will be clear skies. 5. 是不正在下雨呢?5 /Is it raining? 6. 是的,这是正在下雨/Yes, it's raining/ 7. 是不是冷的?/Is it cold? 8. 是的,非常的冷。请携带您的夹克 /Yes, it's very cold. You should bring your jacket.

9. 你需要一把伞/You'll need an umbrella.10. 你有雨衣在这儿吗?/Do you have your raincoat here? 11. 它非常的热/It's very hot. 12. 这是阳光普照/It's sunny.13. 我是否必须购买防晒油/I have to buy sunscreen. 14. 你的脸是晒伤/Your face is sunburned. 15. 你需要药品吗?/Do you need medicine? 16. 风势非常大/It's very windy. 17. 花园中的树木被暴风吹下来/The storm blew down the trees in the garden. 18. 有雾,您看不到任何东西/There's fog. Your can't see anything at all.








Hot 在英语里有3个常见的意思:


It's so hot today. 今天很热。



The chicken wings are really hot. 




You're hot. 





I'm hot 容易让人觉得怪怪的,

可以说:It's so hot in here.

除了 hot 还有很多别的词可以形容“热”


Hot 有歧义,但名词 heat 就只能表示热了。

This heat is killing me. 


I'm not going anywhere in this heat. 






英语中最常用来形容潮湿的就是 humid

It was a hot, humid summer day 


 如果是室内的闷热,可以用 stuffy这个词:

It was hot and stuffy in the classroom. 


整个天气的闷热感可以用 muggy:

With all this moisture, it feels very muggy outside. 







问172:Where do pepper seeds come from?I don't know,who knows and can tell


Media reported that a pepper plant has successfully grown in a dormitory toilet of

South China University of Technology in Guangdong province, and it is growing well. There are no symptoms, but there are two peppers. From the picture, this is a finger pepper, which is very hot. And the plants are still in flower, ready to continue

bearing fruit.


Based on what you provided above, the scene of growing those two pepper plants

in such conditions without any symptoms is not probably deliberatly/artificially

conducted by anyone, it's most likely the seeds could have come form the

droppings/stools/feces/manures remains, and the seeds could have been left in

certain place where everything is ideal for its future budding/sprouting/


Anyway, it's just a guesswork, but we only can find out what it is really like if

someone who would like to take troubles to goes there in person to check it on

the spot and present us the very answer to the puzzle.




very rich - loaded

very poor - broke

very tired - exhausted

very hungry - starving

very angry - pissed

very happy - thrilled

very sad - devastated

very unhappy - miserable

very dirty - filthy

very clean - spotless

very funny - hilarious

very afraid - petrified

very pretty - gorgeous

very ugly - hideous

very busy - swamped

very bad - horrible

very useful - invaluable

very cute - adorable

very smart - brilliant

very interesting - fascinating

very important - crucial

very excited-pumped

very cold - freezing

very hot - melting

very big - gigantic

very careful - cautious

very smelly - stinky




Before doing the guide, first there was to learn about snow house hot pot, and finally found out that there is snow hot pot. It is in this form, self-driving motorcycle up to the halfway point of the mountain, around the campfire to eat hot pot. Immediately contact the original country lake restaurant reservations, snowmobile plus hot pot 660 / person.

Then again, the experience is really amazing, the snowmobile really loved, super exciting. The campfire is also very warm, the hot pot is nothing delicious, a large pile of meatballs and lamb and vegetables. The important thing is this sense of atmosphere, the campfire photo super unbeatable out of the film. Yuanqi forest to halfway up the mountain, direct natural ice, in the campfire to eat hot pot drinking smoothies not too happy.

Winter is coming

Hotpot is the best choice

Chaoshan Beef Hotpot is very yummy and well-known.

And Shantou Beef Balls and Shantou Beef Hotpot have been deeply loved by people long before.

The pictures below are the perfect-skilled

beef dishes which was taken in a well-known restaurant in Shantou city.

Everyones could to try to make it with you friends or family

