
魔兽世界英文名字 魔兽世界英文名字加音标

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(一)World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, a subsidiary of Vivendi Games released in 2004. World of Warcraft is based in the fictional world of Azeroth, and the game follows in the same tradition as previous Blizzard expansions by focusing on the battle between the Horde and the Alliance factions, two opposing factions of Warcraft heroes.

(二) WoW Characters: The Races of WoW

WoW characters are divided into several distinct race types, including humans, dwarves, night elves, orcs, undead, trolls, and two others, the tauren and the blood elves. Each race offers different racial abilities and bonuses. The races of WoW are very customizable. Players can customize the look and abilities of their characters through skill selection and equipment selection.

(三)WoW Class System

WoW class system offers nine distinct classes, which are broken down into three categories: defense, offense, and support. The defense class includes warriors, paladins, priests, and druids. The offense class includes hunters, rogues, shamans, and warlocks. The support class includes mages and warlocks. Each class has its own abilities and skills, allowing for dynamic character customization based on the player’s preferences.

(四)Playing WoW: Raids and Dungeons

In WoW, the objectives of a raid or dungeon can vary, but they typically involve the player's party entering an area to complete a series of objectives. The objectives can include defeating a certain number of enemies, collecting specific items, exploring an area, or even solving a puzzle. Raids and dungeons are typically more difficult than the quests that a player can find in the open world, as they require significant strategy and skill to complete.

(五)WoW Expansion Packs

WoW has released a number of expansion packs to add new content to the game. The expansions are typically focused around new storylines or adventures, in which players can gain new abilities and explore new areas. The expansions have included The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and Mists of Pandaria.

(六) MMO World

In WoW, as with most other massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), players take on the role of a character in an expansive world. Players are able to customize their characters, choose from a variety of classes and races, and explore the world of Azeroth. Players can team up with other players to fight monsters and complete quests, while they also battle other players in the player versus player arena. Players can also complete dungeon challenges to gain rewards and explore new areas.

(七)PVP Server

WoW also allows players to play on a “player versus player” (PVP) server that pits players against each other in an alternate version of the game world. On PVP servers, players compete to gain control of resources and gain experience points. PVP servers are more competitive than normal servers, as it allows players to become more powerful by competing against each other.

(八)Solo Adventures

In WoW, players can take on solo adventures, which are small, side stories that can be completed by one player alone. Solo adventures are typically much shorter than traditional quests or raids, but still provide the player with rewards and the opportunity to explore new areas, fight powerful enemies and gain rewards.

(九)Social Features

1.World of Warcraft:世界上最受欢迎的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏之一,通常简称为“魔兽世界”或“WoW”,由Blizzard Entertainment开发发行。 2002年12月23日上市,2006年5月24日推出了其官方续集《燃烧的远征》。


2.Warcraft III:是Blizzard Entertainment开发和发行的即时战略游戏,游戏是《魔兽世界》的前传,有《冰封王座》和《燃烧的远征》两个拓展包。故事精彩,玩法多样又紧凑。

3.The Frozen Throne:是《魔兽世界》的第一款拓展包,同时也是《魔兽争霸III》的一部份,于2003年7月3日发行。本拓展包可以单独玩,同时也可以与《魔兽争霸III》结合进行游戏,并增加了许多新元素,以及五派:饥饿的巨人、水元素、巨龙军团、恶魔军团和亡灵军团这五个新种族。

4.The Burning Crusade:《魔兽世界:燃烧的远征》是Blizzard Entertainment制作发行的《魔兽世界》的第二个拓展包,于2007年1月16日正式发行。它增加了两个新世界——外域和暗影迷宫,游戏内容范围也有上升,玩家的可升到70级,可玩的种族加入新的拉格纳罗斯精灵(联盟)和熊猫人(部落),大大拓展了玩家体验的同时也增加了游戏难度,使作战和完成成就变得更流畅和夯实。

5.Cataclysm:《魔兽世界:大灾变》是Blizzard Entertainment制作发行的《魔兽世界》的第三个拓展包,于2010年12月7日发行。拓展包把世界分为“旧时代”和“新时代”,以撼动部落和联盟的历史大地。拓展包加入了利用大灾变预言和诡异力量的新敌人,新内容包括两个新种族、两个新职业、灾变不历史】讲述的新地图以及极权宝珠与天神石的商店。玩家的可升到85级,个别地图的等级也可以更高。

6.Mists of Pandaria:《魔兽世界:潘达利亚之谜》是Blizzard Entertainment制作发行的《魔兽世界》的第四个拓展包,于2012年9月25日发行。它添加了新的种族熊猫人,新的职业武僧,新的大地图潘达利亚,新的宠物和战斗宠物,新的副本,任务系统及其它123项改动和上百玩法。

