
you are my angel you are my angel angel baby

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You Are My Air (Lunars Remix)-DJ Artak/Angel Falls

全程流着泪看完了伟大的妈妈李蓉写给她儿子祭日一年的追思文。做母亲的人最看不得这样的追思孩子的文章[流泪][流泪][流泪]。虽然我很赞同刘瑜说的,“孩子是独立的个体,不是你的私有财产,他只是借助你的身体来到这个世界,帮你完成做母亲的梦。爱他,就让他轻松快乐,成全他的梦想。”可是那些陪伴孩子成长的岁月里的点点滴滴又岂能因为他的突然不幸离去而消失呢? 只会更加深刻砸心。当看到照片上这么优秀的孩子的墓碑上竖碑刻着“温润如玉君子,出类拔萃人杰”,横碑上写着“You are an angle”时,为人母的我忍不住泪如雨下。生离是朦胧的日月,死别是憔悴的落花。从此,思念深似海,往事如天远。人间银河,无一是你,无一不是你。同同的妈妈想象着儿子在另一个世界,和她看相同的月亮,写下“此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君”的时候,我在心里不由问道,那个在这么优秀的孩子成长岁月里,让一个柔弱女人承担所有经济、情绪和压力,自己从来没有出现过没有尽到一点父亲责任的男人都干嘛去了?[发怒][发怒]




How rare is the 7-star celestial phenomenon that will appear when we watch the 7-star pearl chain? In, there will be a very rare Seven Star linked celestial phenomenon. In addition, there may be blood moon and solar eclipse. These celestial phenomena can be explained by science, but the time of occurrence cannot be determined. In, we can see very rare celestial phenomena, especially the Seven Star streak, which can be said to be met but not sought. According to scientific reasoning, the phenomenon of Seven Star streak occurred about once in 77 years. Last year, there was a five star streak, which is already very incredible. But this year, there will be seven star streak, and a series of cosmic anomalies will occur. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will be lined up. These seven planets will no longer be viewed in the same way, because they will be blocked by Jupiter from seeing the planets behind. The phenomenon of Seven Star streak can be said to be very rare.An astronomical phenomenon. However, the so-called seven star beads are actually a visual phenomenon, which is not like a string of candied haws, but in a limited universe, astronomers include the scattered angle of planets less than 13 degrees into the list of planetary.


Why do people's blessings and misfortunes depend on each other?


Because things in this world are never black or white. There is no absolute bad thing, and there is no absolute good thing.


Almost everything has two sides.


The same is true of people.


No matter how kind a person is, there will be times when his mind is impure.


No matter how bad a person is, sometimes his conscience will find out.


Happiness and misfortune are the same. Happiness and misfortune are often one thing and two sides.


The most important thing is how we look at it.


Standing in different positions, we often see different results.


This is what people often say when looking across the mountains, there are peaks on the sides, which vary from far to near.


When something happens, when we look at it from some angles, we think it is a bad thing, but when we look at it from another angle, it may become a good thing.


For example, failing the exam temporarily is a bad thing from the present point of view, which will bring you a bad mood.


However, in the long run, this is a good opportunity for us to find our own shortcomings as soon as possible.


When we find our shortcomings early and actively improve them, we may get more successes and higher achievements in the future.

