
hedit 和地铁跑酷)

导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。hedit,和地铁跑酷)这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!英语小杂烩 20210713情景: Taking the s...


英语小杂烩 20210713

情景: Taking the subway

不同国家对地铁的称呼有所不同,在英国叫tube/underground,在巴黎叫metro,在美国叫subway(在华盛顿叫metro),在香港叫MTR(Mass Transit Railway),在新加坡叫MRT(Mass Rapid Transit)。其他城市基本上用metro。metro是个法语词源的单词,在美国通常指包括公交、地铁等在内的运营系统。

1 I can't make head or tail of the subway route map.

head or tail 指“头或尾”,make head or tail of sth意为“弄清楚、了解某物或某事”,of后面接名词。

A: Subway maps are posted at most stations for your convenience.

B: But I can't make head or tail of the subway route map.



2 Would you please do me a favor?

do me a favor意为“帮个忙,请求帮忙”,也可以说give me a hand或者help me out。

A: Would you please do me a favor? I don't know how to use the subway ticket.

B: Sure. You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.



slot [slɒt] n. 狭槽,硬币投币口  

turnstile [ˈtɜ:nstaɪl] n. 十字转门

3 How many minutes is the train headway at peak time?

peak time为“(交通)高峰时间”,off-peak time为“非高峰时间”,而morning peak为“早高峰”,evening peak为“晚高峰”,介词用at。

A: How many minutes is the train headway at peak time?

B: At peak time, the train headway is 2 minutes and 50 seconds. At off-peak time, the train headway is 6 minutes and 30 seconds.



headway [ˈhedweɪ] n. 前后两车时间间隔

4 You need to make up the balance.

make up表示“补足”,make up the balance意为“补足差额”,此处表示地铁票内的金额不足,需要补交差额,也可以说pay the extra fare。

A: Wait a minute, dear. I can't pass the exit gate.

B: Let me see. Your ticket is under fare; you need to make up the balance.



You may use

token [ˈtəʊk(ə)n] n. 表征,代币

exit gate 出口门

ticket-barrier 验票口

passenger notice 乘客须知

the forbidden area 禁止区域

subway route map 地铁线路图

the automatic vending machine 自动售票机

You may hear

1. Please use the auto machine to get a token. 请使用自动售票机买票。

2. You can change some at the Service Center. 你可以去服务中心换一些。

3. Keep off from the screen door before it is open. 在车门打开之前请不要靠近。


impetuous, headdress

impetuous /ɪmˈpetjʊəs/

If you describe someone as impetuous, you mean that they are likely to act quickly and suddenly without thinking or being careful. 冲动的;不深思熟虑的

He was young and impetuous. 他年轻,易冲动。

headdress /ˈhedˌdres/

A headdress is something that is worn on a person's head for decoration. 头饰


Mme Du Barry to M. Duval


April 6th,1761


Yes, my dear friend, I have told you, and repeat it: I love you dearly. You certainly said the same thing to me, but on your side it is only impetuosity;directly after the first enjoyment, you would think of me no more. I begin to know the world. I will tell you what I suggest, now: pay attention.亲爱的朋友,是的,我告诉过你,现在我再说一遍:我深深地爱你。当然你也对我说过同样的话,但在你这方面,只是一时的感情冲动;第一次交欢之后,你就会把我置之脑后。我已经懂得一点人情世故了。现在我向你提出一个办法,留心听着。

I don't want to remain a shopgirl, but a little more my own mistress, and would therefore like to find someone to keep me. If I did not love you, I would try to get money from you; I would say to you, you shall begin by renting a room for me and furnishing it;only as you told me that you were not rich, you can take me to your own place. It will not cost you any more rent, not more for your table and the rest of your housekeeping. To keep me and my headdress will be the only expense, and for those give me one hundred livres a month, and that will include everything. 我不愿做女店员,我想做个独立自主的女人,因此希望找个能供养我的人。如果我不爱你,我就会想办法向你索取钱财;我会对你说:“你先替我租间房间,置办些家具”;不过,既然你对我说过你没有钱,那你可以把我接到你的寓所去,这样就不会增加房租、伙食和其他开销。你唯一的花销是供养我和给我买点头饰;这两项每月给我一百里弗就够了,一切都包括在内。

Thus we could both live happily, and you would never again have to complain about my refusal. If you love me, accept this proposal;but if you do not love me, then let each of us try his luck elsewhere. Good-by, I embrace you heartily. 这样,我俩都可以过得很愉快,你也再不会埋怨我拒绝你了。如果你爱我,就接受这建议;如果你不爱我,那我们就分道扬镳,另外去碰运气吧。再见。热烈地拥抱你。



***巴里夫人(1746-1793),本名Jeanne Becu, 最初是一间女装帽店的店员,凭美貌令巴黎青年才俊倾倒。写了这封信给她的情人杜伐尔后几个月,她被安置于巴里伯爵家中,稍后又借巴里伯爵之助,成为法王路易十五的情妇,最后于法国大革命中 被送上断头台斩首。

