
novelis novel

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Reading the latest note novel of Jia Pingwa's icon tonight, he is still the most realistic writer in China. He is another local writer after Lu Xun's Shen Congwen's icon. The "local China" in the 21st century is so similar and different from the "local" China in the 20th century. Shen Congwen's favorite "Cuicui icon" has gone out of his home in Western Hunan in the 20th century and came to the "modern metropolis" in the 21st century. He is infatuated with the "urban landscape", Incarnating all kinds of people in the city, as the "intruder" of the city, "he may come back tomorrow" and "he may never come back." this practice has been successfully described by the prophet of the times, Mr. Lu Xun, and it is very sad,

【#世卫组织公布新冠病毒溯源报告# |#不排除新冠病毒通过冷链传入# 的可能性】】中国-世卫组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究报告30日在日内瓦发布。报告显示,不排除新冠病毒以冷链食品为载体传入的可能性。The WHO's report said that introduction of the novel coronavirus through cold/ food chain is considered a possible pathway.     #世卫发布新冠溯源联合研究报告#

